Fails och lols
Och lite aaaaaw
Det är humor...
Vet inte varför, men jag dog åt den sista!
Epic fail
My car was idling like crap the other day so I figured since I just got it, it may have been awhile since anyone changed the oil out. I decided to go ahead and change the oil. I used Mobile 1 synthentic oil like I was reccomended on here. Anyways, I drain out the oil and noticed it was extremely dark and even after 10 minutes of draining, it was still coming out. I decided to go ahead and flush it to make sure all the bad stuff got out. I hooked up the hose, ran water through the engine, started it up and was waiting for the water to come out clean (The engine never went above idle so I was told this would be ok). Anyways, About 3 minutes into this, then engine starts shaking and shuts off. I figured it was all cleaned out so I plugged it up, added the oil and figured I was ready to go. WRONG! The car won't freaking start now. This car has been nothing but trouble for me, I think I am done with it.
Funny pics day revisited
OS - most memorable moment
Duktig på Photoshop
The first lol
Ingenting nytt
Nej, inte så mycket nytt har hänt... har fått en idé till en ny design jag tänkte börja med... får se om det blir någonting eller om den åker i sjön om ett par minuter. Ett leende kan jag väl bjuda på i alla fall: